We are Fighting a Spiritual Battle – It’s Time We Start Acting Like We’re At War

Spiritual warfare is real, and the evidence is everywhere

(first published on Substack on February 9, 2023)

Much of the enemy’s agenda is subtle or subliminal. But other times, the enemy is so bold and brazen as to bring the spiritual battlefield mainstream.

On Sunday night, America witnessed a full-blown Satan-worshiping orgy at the Grammys. There is no denying that we are in an intense spiritual battle as a culture and as a nation.

The Grammys incident is just the latest public demonic attack. Last year, we saw the Balenciaga ad campaign sexualize children. There is an ongoing agenda to confuse children into mutilating their bodies in the name of trans-ideology. The Satanic Temple even filed a lawsuit in support of religious freedom, by claiming that abortion is a “Satanic ritual.” Last night’s State of the Union highlighted just how much abortion is championed when the President proclaimed, “Make no mistake about it: If Congress passes a national abortion ban, I will veto it,” as multiple Democrat legislators wore loathsome abortion pins.

While some in the church are just waking up to our reality, those of us who read the Bible have known this— For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Just last week while in D.C., we lifted up a sound of worship inside the rotunda of the U.S. Capitol Building. There was a marked shift that we could feel in the atmosphere. Worship changes things in the spirit and in the world. When we worship, we are not just playing music where the sound is contained by the walls of the room – we are lifting up an incense that reaches heaven.

The Israelites sent Judah first in the Old Testament to worship before the battle, not because it sounded nice, nor because it was a symbolic gesture, but because their battle was ultimately spiritual, and it was the very thing that defeated their enemies.

The weapons God has given us to fight with are spiritual weapons– The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.

Where are all the prominent Church leaders who have a platform speaking out against this? If Christians are too soft to speak out against SATAN, what will they speak out against, if anything at all? We need boldness in this hour. We desperately need courage. We are at war, and while we know we serve a God who is already victorious, we must continue to stay in the fight for His namesake!