Could We See Another Jesus People Movement?

(First published by TPUSA Faith on March 15, 2023)

I’ll never forget that moment on the Golden Gate Bridge in July 2020. During the height of a global pandemic, the governor of California, Gavin Newsom, had announced days before that it was illegal to “sing in church.” While rioting, protesting, and destroying American cities were often encouraged by government officials, Christians were discouraged and even chastised from doing what the church had been doing for over 2000 years — worshipping the risen Lord!

As 300 courageous worshippers raised their hands to heaven in defiance of the Pharaoh’s edict that day, a wind stronger than the Bay Area gusts blew over us. It was a fresh wind of the Spirit carrying hope, joy, and prophetic perspective for what was yet to come.

We sang, prayed, and boldly declared things at the top of our lungs that were contrary to the current circumstances. In fact, they flew in the face of the reality we were facing. From the most locked-down state in America, we were praying:

“A movement of FAITH is rising over the FEAR in our day.” 

“The coming revival is going to be greater than what happened on Azusa Street in the early 1900s.” 

“A new JESUS PEOPLE MOVEMENT is beginning in California that will soon sweep the nation!” 

I remember when the last prayer was prayed, I had a moment of doubt where I thought “What the heck did I just pray?”

But even as I began to doubt my own prayers, I believe heaven heard our cry.

A few days after I came home, my pastor sent me a copy of the LIFE magazine from 1972. The cover featured a hippie wearing the famous ONE WAY t-shirt during the Jesus Rally in Dallas, where Billy Graham joined the leaders of the Jesus People Movement, bringing further credibility to the surprising move of God.

Time Magazine also released a “Jesus Revolution” cover story where the mainstream media highlighted this West Coast phenomenon amongst the “hippies” of the 60s and 70s. I say this surprisingly because this all happened during a very divisive and dark period in American history. The fatigue from the war had set in while a spirit of widespread rebellion had created a new sexual revolution. Yet it seems heaven always has a holy response. God was simultaneously creating a counter-movement of His Kingdom and chose the least likely people to lead it.

I remember turning the dusty old pages of this magazine and taking in the images of mass baptisms and salvations across America. Tears would stream down my face as I grappled with my isolation and the abandonment of leaders and friends during the lockdowns of 2020.

The images and the testimonies sent a shock of OPTIMISM and HOPE that pierced the darkness of that season. Then I began to receive vintage pieces of vinyl that were sent to me from people all over the world about the Jesus People Movement. I actually bought a record player so I could listen to those sounds of revival. All the while, I would hear the Holy Spirit speak to me: “I’ve done it before and I can do it again.” 

Every day I began to believe a little more in that outrageous prayer prayed on the Golden Gate Bridge that summer.

Could a new Jesus People Movement really happen today?

Fast forward to the present day where “Let Us Worship” rallies have taken place in 170 cities (and counting), and tens of thousands have been saved, baptized, healed, and set free. Though we’ve been attacked, persecuted, maligned, slandered, and assaulted, we press on WITH JOY at what lies before us. NFL football players gathered midfield to pray for a severely injured player on live television. God worked a miracle and the whole world witnessed it. Then a fresh wave of the Holy Spirit captivated the world from a small university in rural Kentucky with a rich legacy of its own in revival — Asbury University.

Films like “Superspreader” and “Jesus Revolution” have packed theaters across America and turned into spontaneous prayer and worship meetings when the movie ended. America is HUNGRY for a move of God like never before.

Just a few days ago, a remnant gathered inside the U.S. Capitol rotunda — the ceremonial and sacred center of America — hosted by 7 members of Congress worshipping, praying, and seeking God’s heart for revival in our nation. We lifted our hands, raised our voices, and cried out to God on our knees for a move of His Spirit.

The momentum is only growing – leading up to the “Kingdom to the Capitol” tour kicking off this week. The fires of revival are now being lit in every U.S. Capitol building in America (all 50 of them!).

Sometimes it takes a bold declaration of faith to give language to what God is already doing on Earth. Just like Peter boldly declared in Acts 2:16 while giving a definition to the phenomena of the Upper Room: “This is that which was promised.” 

What if this is the beginning of that moment for us? What if God is indeed answering our prayers and the intercession of many that have gone before us? What if these prayers for awakening, prayers for revival, prayers for a mighty move of God to sweep America are culminating in a response from heaven in our day?

What if a counter-cultural movement is building to confront the brazen demonic evils of our day?

What if this is the beginning of another great Jesus People Movement?

We’ve heard the stories. We’ve read the magazines. We’ve seen the movies. Now it’s time to experience reality.